The service at St Martin's will feel comfortable whether you are of Catholic or Protestant background. In fact, Episcopalians joke they are "half Catholic". Although the Episcopal Church is a Protestant religion, it has retained its order of service from the Catholic church, from which it is directly descended. How do you pronounce Episcopal? - uh·pi·skuh·pl
Services at St Martins use the red "Book of Common Prayer" and the blue "1982 Hymnal", modified by supplemental material. Music at the 10 am service is accompanied by both pipe organ and piano. Members of the congregation assist the clergy during the service by reading the lessons and helping serve Communion. Communion is served at both services every Sunday, with bread and wine - no grape juice here. On the 3rd Sunday of the month, we host our Paws-in-the-Pews service, welcoming creatures of every kind to worship together. On the 4th Sunday of the month, in the corners of the church, Healing Prayers are offered during Communion for anyone in need of special healing prayers.
The 4:00 pm Service
Uses seasonal worship booklets in contemporary language and, although updated, is still filled with tradition.
There is music and singing.
A service will run about an hour.
A unique characteristic of the Episcopal Church among the Protestant religions is Apostolic Succession. The laying on of hands starting with Jesus and his apostles has been maintained from bishop to bishop to the present. Any of us can therefore participate in this continuum.
How cool is that?
At St Martin's all are truly welcome. One row of pews in the middle of the sanctuary has been removed to allow for easy access and seating by people with wheelchairs, walkers, etc. No one has to apply to join or go through a review process. We would love to have you join us.