Lenten Series - Week 2
Thu, Mar 10
|In-Person and on Zoom
Watch The Chosen together.
Time & Location
Mar 10, 2022, 7:30 PM
In-Person and on Zoom
About Our Event
Join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom at the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85818265607?pwd=YSt3WEduZllsT1ZObEZ1UUNCRWt1UT09 Meeting ID: 858 1826 5607 Passcode: SMECLENT
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85818265607# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,85818265607# US (New York)
Jesus is looking for people who are willing to run to Him, to fall on their faces, to repent, surrender, and worship because of who He is, and to learn and grow in a faith that remains even when the miracles cease. Jesus knew what was in people's hearts—it's the reason He came. And so, true believers aren't just in it for the miracles; they have been fundamentally and irrevocably changed by Jesus Himself, making relationship with Him the ultimate prize.